tire pressure SKODA CITIGO 2012 1.G Owner's Manual

Page 124 of 157

If, in the event of a puncture, it is necessary to fit a spare wheel with a tyre with-
out a dedicated running direction or the opposite running direction, drive carefully
as the optimum characteristics of the tyre are no longer applicable in this situa-
tion. ÐSpare wheel
Fig. 107
Luggage compartment: Spare
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warn-
ings on page 119.
The spare wheel is located in a well under the floor covering in the luggage com-
partment and is fixed in place with a special bolt
» Fig. 107.
Before removing the spare wheel, the box containing the vehicle tool kit must be
It is important to check the inflation pressure in the spare wheel (preferably every
time the tyre air pressure is checked – see sticker on the fuel filler
flap » page 120) to ensure it is always ready to use.
If the dimensions or design of the spare wheel differ from the tyres fitted to the
vehicle (e.g. winter tyres or low-profile tyres), it must only be used briefly in the
event of a puncture and if an appropriately cautious style of driving is adop-
ted » .
Replace it with a wheel having the appropriate mode and dimensions as soon as
Temporary spare wheel
A warning label is displayed on the wheel rim of the spare wheel to indicate that
your vehicle is equipped with a temporary spare wheel. ä Please observe the following when driving with a temporary spare wheel.
› The warning label must not be covered after installing the wheel.
› Do not drive faster than 80
km/h with the temporary spare wheel and pay par-
ticular attention while driving. Avoid accelerating at full throttle, sharp braking
and fast cornering.
› The inflation pressure for this spare wheel is identical to the maximum inflation
pressure of the standard tyres.
› Only use this temporary spare wheel to reach the nearest ŠKODA specialist ga-
rage as it is not intended for continuous use. WARNING
■ Never use the temporary spare wheel if it is damaged.
■ If the dimensions or design of the temporary spare wheel differ from the fit-
ted tyres, never drive faster than 80
km/h (or 50 mph). Avoid accelerating at
full throttle, sharp braking and fast cornering. CAUTION
Observe the instructions on the sticker on the temporary spare wheel. Note
The tyre pressure should be at the highest pressure specified for your vehicle at
all times. Ð Full wheel trim
First read and observe the introductory information and safety warn-
ings on page 119.
Pulling off

Hook the clamp found in the vehicle tool kit into the reinforced edge of the
wheel trim.
› Push the wheel wrench through the clamp, support on the tyre and pull off the
wheel trim.
› First press the full wheel trim onto the wheel rim at the valve opening provided.
Then press the full wheel trim into the wheel rim until its entire circumference
locks correctly in place. £
122 General Maintenance